1. INFJs feel profoundly misunderstood.

Source: 10 type secrets of the INFJ – Introvert, Dear

How to Identify an INFJ personality

Posted: March 17, 2016 in HOME

The Myers Briggs personality INFJ. Introverted + intuitive + feeler + judging. Hanging out with the friend most likely to be Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or Martin Luther King Jr… or Seinfeld

Source: How to Identify an INFJ personality

See you in Paris, Pals..

How to Understand Your INFJ: Part 2

Posted: September 25, 2014 in HOME



1. INFJs hate explaining details. If you ask your INFJ how to get from point A to point B, don’t expect an exact, to-the-point answer. Since INFJs rely more heavily on Introverted Intuition and Introverted Thinking than their Extroverted counterparts, explaining processes, procedures and other detail-oriented tasks can sometimes be difficult. Imagine the INFJ’s brain as scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We already know what the puzzle is supposed to look like when it’s complete, so we don’t bother putting the pieces together. However, in order to explain how we know what the picture looks like we have to take the time to actually arrange the pieces. We’re just not natural detail people. This is one reason we like things like lists and schedules, because they help us structure our scattered minds.

2. It’s pretty hard to type an INFJ. I’m an INFJ, I have several good INFJ friends…

View original post 491 more words

How to Understand Your INFJ: Part 1

Posted: September 25, 2014 in HOME



1. Accept that you will never really understand your INFJ. If it were possible for anyone to 100% understand any INFJ, an INFJ would have wrote a book on it by now. But the truth is, even we INFJs can’t completely understand ourselves, so we don’t expect you to. But we can tell when you’re trying, and that means a lot.

2. Listen to what your INFJ is not saying. You know the quote that goes something like “the quietest people have the loudest minds”? That is very true of INFJs. The quieter we are, the more we probably have on our minds. We want friends and partners who understand that and will want to talk to us about it, and more importantly, listen.

3. Know that INFJs really aren’t that serious. Yes, we have a lot on our minds. Yes, we can be sensitive. Yes, we like to partake…

View original post 430 more words

13 Signs You’re A Classic INFJ

Posted: September 19, 2014 in HOME

13 Tanda Bahwa Anda seorang INFJ Klasik.

Plight of the INFJ

Posted: December 19, 2013 in HOME

Tall order

The topic of personality types has been on my mind a lot lately. Ever since seeing that Harry Potter typology, I’ve revisited the subject of Myers-Briggs and personality typing with the same enthusiasm with which I researched it in high school. Many of my friends have talked or blogged about it recently. Last week I started running Google searches for INFJ-specific topics (how they function as lawyers, what kind of daters they tend to be, etc.) and was quite intrigued by the results. If any of the below gets confusing, see my previous post for a basic introduction to Myers-Briggs methodology. Hefty critiques of the system exist, but I’ve actually found it to have great predictive and interpretive value, so onward!

Yours truly is an INFJ – Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging. The skinny is that time alone energizes me, my thinking is big-picture and gut-feeling dominated, my interpersonal interactions…

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Are You An INFJ?

Posted: November 25, 2013 in HOME